Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Prospecting with Ed. Better than gold!

One of the highlights of my prospecting season on PaystreakTV was prospecting with Ed. Ed Marvin is a prospector on the western side of the state and he has a Youtube channel called Prospecting with Ed. Here is the link if you want to pay him a visit.  Anyways back to the story. When I first started these gold mining shenanigans I watched hundreds of videos on Youtube and alot of them were from Eds' channel. I learned a lot of useful tips and tricks and being the noob I was I needed all the help I could get. Ed and I were talking through our Youtube channels a bit here and there. He was a nice fellow as most prospectors are. Out of the blue one day I get an email from Ed inviting me to come down to the Swank claim as his guest the upcoming weekend. If you prospect in Ohio I imagine you have heard of the Swank claim. If you are not from here i'll fill you in. The swank claim is a GPAA (gold prospectors association of america) leased claim located in Butler Ohio. If you are a member of the GPAA you can camp and prospect the claim for free. These next two videos are from that adventure. I had a great time. Enjoy! Comments are welcome. Tell us about your gold stuff.

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