Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I built a mini sluice. Hope to find more gold.

The PaystreakTV blog is just full of interruptions now a days but this is a gold blog and we built a mini sluice so I had to post this by default. In my first few posts in the blog I was declaring my self an equipment challenged prospector. I also mentioned that I am the maintenance man at a small cnc shop. That being said machine shops and metal kind of go hand in hand. I had managed to gather up a nice pile of junk aluminium scrap sheets and whatnot for the sole purpose of building some kind of mini sluice. I have access to a small press brake so we used that to do all the bending. The rest fastened together with pop rivets and wing nuts. We lucked into some donated miners moss from my engineer buddy Joshua. He also helped me with the build as we had limited time. It was very much appreciated let me tell you. We worked through our break and lunch hour then a bit of time after hours but we got it done. Eventually I will try to draw up and post some basic schematics of the "frankensluice" (yes I named it allready.) Is that weird? Until then enjoy the video of the build. If you watch closely you can see what we did. Enjoy! Comments and thoughts are welcome.

 Special thanks to http://www.soundjay.com/ for the royalty free music!


  1. Pretty nifty. You might want to use a classifier too. Keeps the small rocks and pebbles from clogging things up.

  2. Your blogs are totally worth giving time and energy. IRA gold
